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September 30, 2008

How we got here

Wow. What a mess. Credit lines are frozen so small business will be screwed in the coming weeks. Just in time for the holidays! Is it that we all are grasshoppers vs. ants? Here's what's happening astrologically. Mercury rx, plus deepening Saturn/Uranus opposition (exact in late October and early November), Mars/Neptune trine. You may recall in 2000, when Bush ran on a platform of The Sky is/will be falling and Gore ran on a "let's continue as we have begun" and Florida recount gave Bush 567 more votes and America the biggest reaming of my lifetime (at least since the Reagan era, which by comparison looks innocent and thrifty). The answer is: the nation goes into a nervous breakdown mode whenever the change of power is INEVITABLE. It wasn't as hinky in 2004 since we had a sitting president. Ditto 1996, the year of the Newt Gingrich (remember him?) would-be takeover.
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by Symboline Dai | with no comments
September 21, 2008

More projects...

Here's the deal: I'm writing a book, which is due extremely-quickly-inthegrandscale of things which is basically a general astrology book focussing on the elements. Are you a fire sign who only gets along with fire signs? Are you a Scorpio who has no time for Pisces or Cancer? Are you an air sign who loves air signs but has closest relationships with earth or water signs? Are you an earth sign who needs fire signs in your life? Tell me your story -- email me at I'm just collecting data and anecdotage at this point.
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by Symboline Dai | with no comments
September 09, 2008

Sarah Palin, too much, too soon

She's an Aquarius. Which explains the comfort speaking other people's lines. I watched her speech with rapt fascination. The political arena is such a place for showboating, that to have the same bluster coming out of someone with a decidedly yupwardly suburban mom look was jarring. If only she was smart and not clever. Alaska is a really, really small state. How hard is it to rise high in state politics? But the part that really bugs me is the sanctimony. Here's someone who came out against sex ed., wanted to ban books at the library, is against enviro. regs, tried to jeezle the state system to nail an in-law, yet everything's coming up roses. Women, we have GOT to get better candidates out there. I speak as someone who has been extremely close to political campaigns (varying in size from state to township) and I'm telling you. It's a bonehead's world out there. if you can put a sentence together, keep your mouth shut when needed, stick to principles (HAVE some principles) and vision, you're ahead of the game. Women, if Sarah Palin is standing in for our gender, and, for the moment, has the attention of the world, we've got to do better. Nancy Pelosi, yay. Hillary, yay. Jennifer Flanagan, Jennifer Benson, yay. Worse, Palin makes me think of all the stuff about Aquarius I hate -- the situational ethics, the blithe mouthpiecing, the blather. Let's wrap this one up, shall we?
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by Symboline Dai | with no comments
September 06, 2008

oh, so now it's september?

The astrology tarot side of Symboline Ltd. has been going at supersonic speeds lately. The Virgo folks are needing to check in and yes, it's a fairly surreal year plus one for them. I have to remind myself what day it ACTUALLY is because I've been writing so much stuff for 2010. Re: presidential stuff. Okay, you've got a Leo/Scorpio combination (Obama/Biden) and Virgo/Aquarius combination (McCain/Palin). Our last Virgo presidents: Johnson and Taft. Our last Leo presidents: Clinton and Herbert Hoover and Benjamin Harrison. McCain could surprise us, but I can't remember the last time there was full-on rabit excitement for a contendah. Virgo is one of those signs that's a collection of conundrums. Perfectionistic and heedless, curious and stubborn. Mutable earth, like fixed water (Scorpio) is a paradox from the get-go. McCain has had a great August, but I suspect it's downhill from here. Joe Biden could really be a force to be reckoned with late in October...
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by Symboline Dai | with 1 comment(s)

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