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August 31, 2007

transiting jupiter in sagittarius has

finally hit me. Sagittarius is symbolized by the centaur, half-man, half-beast of course and Jupiter (its ruler) is at 29 Sadge. Wee offspring and I have gone horseback riding! What fun, totally different from ballet and my 2nd position is better than it's been in YEARS! specializes in hippotherapy but offer riding lessons as well. They're tremendously nice, the horses they board all have great personalities and I'm so proud of how my won did. I've decided that, dance aside, exercise has to be OUTSIDE. So hopefully OUTSIDE will stay PLEASANT.

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by Importer | with 2 comment(s)
August 30, 2007

someone else to worry about....

dear little spirit and opportunity. Silent for a month. Martian dust and heat overwhelming their little innards. Love them both. Let's hope for clear skies.

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by Importer | with no comments
August 29, 2007

I can't add and...

ha, when I looked up eclipse times, I did that thing where I subtracted instead of adding PDT. This is why I am so happy computers can do natal chart setting -- the math for THAT was inSANE and I started doing astrology before the WWW......

In other news, if you have emailed me recently and I didn't respond, it's not that I don't care but that I am deluged with email lately due to a variety of projects. So if you have an astro ?, post it here, I'm more likely to find/respond efficiently.
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by Importer | with no comments
August 27, 2007

oh yeah, also an eclipse

visible late tonight, and pre-dawn on west coast for those readers. These always flip me out. Full moon in Pisces, squaring Mars in Gemini, so Virgo and Sagittarius will be IMPossible!

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by Importer | with 2 comment(s)
August 27, 2007

August 27, big mars view!!

The next time we see Mars so close is the 23rd century. Think we'll be riding around on air-scooters then? (at least those of us in the industrialized world). Mars is in Gemini right now, lighting a fire under the air signs. Who don't always need the hotseat....

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by Importer | with no comments
August 26, 2007

right, every day...

Hey, I DID try logging on when the system was down (this is what comes of being nocturnal). In the meantime, lacking actual information, I will tout my upcoming 3D appearances!!! the Cambridge Center course is always a gas -- and if you need insight on WHO you are and WHAT you want, this is where you want to be..... Upcoming Symboline appearances Saturday, September 8, 11 to 4 p.m. At ROOTSFEST! Astrological tarot readings at Roots, 100 Crawford St., Leominster, Mass. just off Route 2. 978-534 7668. $35 half hour, or $60 an hour (which you can share with a friend or partner, includes astrological calendar and helpful/challenging days highlighted). Symboline uses your natal data and tarot cards to help you figure out life/work issues. Learn how to use the 2007 Llewellyn astrological calendar and understand your good days and challenging times. Astrological Tarot Readings at The Healthy Side At The Healthy Side, 222 Main Street, Townsend * call 978-597-0009 to make a reservation. Love and the Stars and Your Horoscope Cambridge Center for Adult Ed., Sunday Nov. 18, 1 to 3 p.m. You know your sun-sign, but how can you put your personal astrology to work for your love life? Is there a sign you can't resist? Or one that gets under your skin...and you can't tell if it's for better or for worse? Join syndicated astrology columnist Sally Cragin (locally she writes "Moon Signs" for the Boston Phoenix as Symboline Dai) for an entertaining and educational seminar on what exactly the Moon and the planets have to do with romance and relationships. After registration please email with your birth-date, including the time of day and birth-place -and we'll discuss how (and when) you can move forward with your love life. Listen to Symboline every Monday at 10 a.m. On WCRN, 830 AM, on Tuesday at 6:05 p.m. on WEIM-1280 AM and on Fridays at 8:45 a.m. on WTAG-560 AM

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by Importer | with 2 comment(s)
August 20, 2007

where does it go...

...the time, I mean. It's still August and the nights are cold again. I am not ready to surrender swimming time! And I wrote a comment to the poster on the previous comment, so here it is again. My experience with people with natal planets Rx is that those folks are actually in good shape when transiting planets Rx. So, if you've got natal Mercury Rx you actually communicate BETTER when Mercury goes Rx. With Venus Rx, I'd say that one's instincts towards love, lust, like, magnetism would be compromised UNLESS one has natal Venus Rx.

How's that? Okay, here's my pledge, since we just had a new moon. I will update EVERY DAY for the rest of August BUT you people better start commenting.....Oh, and I'm on WCRN AM tomorrow with Hank Stolz at 10 am
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by Importer | with 3 comment(s)
August 13, 2007

go outside now...

seriously. The Perseid's are out there!! We saw a bunch of them, a lightshow that traditionally concludes the celebration of Child Dai's solar return. This is also the first day of Grouse season. So who says August has no holidays??

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by Importer | with 1 comment(s)
August 07, 2007


Hot enough for you? August is such a strange month -- especially when one comes BACK from a vacation. That back-to-school vibe is definitely bubbling under, and since this is the week of the waning moon it's all about finishing things up...Don't forget, I'm on 1280 am (WEIM) on Tuesdays at 6 and WTAG fridays at 8:45 and on WCRN, Mondays w/Hank at 10am....

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by Importer | with no comments

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