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September 20, 2006

Shameless self-promotion

Meet Boston Phoenix Astrologer Symboline Dai at Cambridge Center for Adult Education on October 29, 2006

Understanding Your Horoscope, 1 to 3 p.m.

Mystified by all the symbols and numbers when you get your natal chart done? Come to an intensive and entertaining seminar on natal charts. Symboline Dai will help you understand the stars, planets, angles and mysteries in your own chart. An ideal class for an astrology enthusiast or beginning student. After registration, instructor will contact you by email to get your time, day, month, year and location of birth. At class, natal charts will be distributed and analyzed. (Course code: SCOP)

The Moon And You, 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Have you ever noticed that people are different (more intense? crazy?) during the full moon? What happens when the moon is new? Are some times better for scheduling activities than others? Are relationships guided by the phases of the moon? What are the best times for you to look for a job, reassess a relationship, travel, ask for a raise, make educational plans? Every culture on the planet has evolved myths and fables to explain the movement of stars and planets and the phases of the moon. Come learn about lunar influences on your life, and talk about folklore and contemporary astrology in this entertaining workshop. Alumnae/I welcome. (Course code: MOON).

Tuition, $37 per course, +$15 materials fee payable to instructor.

Sign up for BOTH classes and pay for just one materials fee, a savings of $15.

Register by calling 617-547-6789 or visit

 L G M E N D O _ P C Q D Y E Z ^ H a V X

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by Importer | with no comments
September 12, 2006

Monthly Forecasts

The Phoenix is experiencing technical difficulties with the moonsigns page and if you are looking for the September monthly forecast, please visit Sorry for the inconvenience -- please keep reading this page. Thanks

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by Importer | with no comments
September 10, 2006


Mr. Dai, a more regular attendee at our local parish, reports that among the more recent shenanigans put forth by our hitherto traditionally quiet branch of Protestantism is: the clown eucharist, ice cream sundae Sunday. Other churches are actually putting on something called the  U2charist, in which rock music is played during the breaking of the bread and everyone applauds. Not that I’d have us go back to the services that my Unitarian forebears and his Puritan ancestors would have recognized but, um, WHAT THE HELL!!! Granted, my own belief in a higher authority is definitely influenced by my professional activities (no, I don’t believe Jove, Saturn, Ouranos, Venus and Mars take a physical form). And though I was brought up as an Episcopalian and still consider myself one I’m really appalled at the knuckleheadedness that’s been coming along. We were out in front ordaining women – yay us! But what happened to our (smart, enjoyable, predictable) service? The one church I enjoy attending is St. Mary’s in Wellesley where the Reverend Peter Chase presides over a gorgeous traditional (austere and elegant) service. I hope he doesn’t mind this plug but if we lived closer I would be a more regular attendee.

What does this has to do with astrology? Sun in Virgo brings out perfectionism.

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by Importer | with no comments
September 01, 2006


I totally hate long weekends. Part of this is the tyranny of working for one’sself. As the lady who runs the Vietnamese fish market in the neighborhood commented: "when you work for someone else, you get vacation – you work for yourself, no vacation. Work-work-work." If that’s not a Virgo sentiment I don’t know what is.

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by Importer | with 1 comment(s)

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