
Eight albums! Four nights! The Bouncing Souls @ the Middle East in June

Someone still cares about this, right? I mean, the last time I saw the BOUNCING SOULS I was like 15, it was 1996 at ABC No Rio in New York City and I was both breaking edge and thinking Choking Victim were the best band since Operation Ivy. In other words, it was a long fucking time ago (MTV was still on the air! What a battlecry!). But hey, it's happening, and Dan Millen wouldn't waste four nights at the Middle East on balls, would he? Here's the word from Camp Soul, as well as lineup info, because they can write it better than I...

Over the past several weeks, we've been happily dwelling on how much fun we had learning and playing all of our albums this year at "Home For The Holidays" and it got us thinking: Now that we did our homework and we know all these songs, why not take this show on the road and share the fun with our people? So, over the course of 2011, we're going to do just that!

We're going to invade some of our favorite cities for a series of 4-night stands planned in some very intimate venues and play almost every song we ever wrote: Two records a night, in chronological order. That means all your favorite songs as well as all the lost causes and forgotten songs you've always wanted to hear live, but we never remembered how to play…come on out and sing along!


Wednesday, June 22 ALL AGES 7pm Doors: The Bouncing Souls, Bane, Lenny Lashley’s Gang Of One

Thursday, June 23 ALL AGES 8pm Doors: The Bouncing Souls, The Unseen, Have Nots

Friday, June 24 18+ 8pm Doors: The Bouncing Souls, Dave Hause

Saturday, June 25 18+ 8pm Doors: The Bouncing Souls, Screaming Females, Iron Chic

On Sale Friday, April 1 – Get tickets @ or @mideastclub Box Office $18 Advance / $20 Day Of Show, or Special Four Night Pass (18+ only) $64 ($16 per night)

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