'No Fun' on Harvard Avenue: The Scrooges @ O'Brien's & the Horror Business closing sale
For obvious reasons it feels appropriate to combine these two blog items. Up top are the Scrooges -- yes, Boston's finest Santa-themed Stooges cover act, ten years strong! -- performing "No Fun" last night at O'Brien's Pub in Allston, the third night of their annual holiday shit-show residency. Next Wednesday gets even better, as the final Scrooges party of 2k10 includes Phoenix drinking buddies Mellow Bravo and Double Nines.
Unfortunately, it falls in the middle of the Horror Business going out of business sale just a few blocks away on Harvard Avenue. After a few fundraisers and spirited attempts to save the shop, the punk rock retailer, which also carries a sizeable amount of local punk and hardcore releases, is calling it a day. Kids, you'll regret not buying that Witches With Dicks record when you had the chance! The official Horror Business word from Lauren Recchia after the flyer jump.

Hello my loves. It's a sad day in Horror Business land. Unfortunately, despite the amazing success of the benefit show, Troy has made the decision to close the doors. The support helped to patch up some things and pay overdue bills, but HB is just not making enough to survive right now and it has turned into a punk rock money pit.
So next week starts a GIGANTIC liquidation sale where EVERYTHING must go. We will have a nice low ke...y farewell party at 8 pm on the 30th to pour some out for our homey, and will be officially closing the doors for good on Jan 2. Please spread the word to everyone about the sale so we can get rid of all the crap we don't want to have to store in Randy's basement. :)
Seriously thanks so much for all your help and support with the store over the years and especially the last few months since we have been hurtin'. It's really a bummer, especially following Harper's Ferry and Allston Cafe (RIP). Let's rally, Allston, and make these farewells into something awesome for the community's future! Love you all.
Troy and LoWreck and the HB crew