It seems like everyone is giving birth, has a baby, or is dying for one. I'm somewhere in the mix between dying to have one and loving not being responsible yet for one. But anyway, let's get to the freaky stuff.
This is in no way meant to be mean to the freaky babies, they are just curiously interesting, like the world's smallest midget or a person with two heads. It's hard to look away when you are presented with these images I find.
California baby boy born with 24 fingers and toes.

Just think of the amazing pianist this kid is going to make! He can carry more groceries than anyone! He will be able to do a bunch of things only other men can dream of. The doctors claimed in a BBC Health article that they did not notice the extra digits, it was the father, Kris Hubbard of the San Francisco-area, that noted the extra fingers and toes. Apparently there are no decisions to cut the extra digits, and IMO they are kinda cool.
Among the many poor kids around the world dealing with troubles when they are born was baby Sam Esquibel of Colorado Springs. He was born with a perfectly-formed foot inside his skull, along with a partially formed thigh, hand, and another foot. It is likely the child had a twin that never fully formed, kind of like this baby girl in the Zambia:

No worries! She is getting the legs removed according to the Sun newspaper in the UK. Little Faith Mwampe will be just fine after they find her jerk-off dad who left after seeing his baby girl for the first time, never to return. Jerk!
Freaks with babies
By now you've probably heard of the California woman who gave birth to 8 kids, who already has 6 at home, and who lives with her separated (yet still living together) parents. All 14 kids were conceived by having embryos implanted and it's pretty obvious someone has got to get social services and therapists involved here. But here are some other horrific baby mommas out there you may not have heard of:
Kristine Rosario of North Billerica, reportedly left her eight-year-old girl alone in a parked car in the fire lane of the Tanger Outlet Center while she was allegedly seen by police stuffing an unpaid dress into her shoping bag.

Tell me this picture doesn't scream CRACK to you, ok, you're right Meth. whatevah. She should be, and is, arrested.
Another winner of the not-fit-to-be-a-mother award is this lady:

Kelly Pocock from London. Pocock was arrested for child endangerment after a family friend came over and witnessed Pococks' three-year-old son puffing away on a cigarette butt like a pro. Alarmed, the friend called child services and the un-fit momma was arrested.
And in Texas, where everything is bigger, even the crazies, a 22-year-old woman was arrested as she allegedly burglarized and threatened her ex-boyfriend with a knife. Jessica Oropeza broke into her ex's Houston house on Tuesday, with her three-year-old and nine-month-old kids in tow. She was arrested at her own house after reportedly throwing bricks at her ex and threatening him with a knife. The kids are with relatives and mom is in the slammer awaiting charges of child endangerment, burglary and assault.
I could go on, but the stories just get worse and it's kind of depressing.
If you walk away with nothing else from this blog, it should be to call your momma (or hug her) tonight (if she was a good mom) and thank her for all the love she showed when you were growing up. You coulda gotten stuck with one of these freaks instead!