St. Vincent, live at the Somerville Theatre, May 19, 2009
By RICHARD BECK | May 26, 2009
There were not one but two clarinets on stage at the Somerville Theatre on Tuesday night, and that gives you some idea of how intricate Annie Clark's chamber-pop compositions can be. She's been mining this vein of indie rock for some time now. Before releasing her solo debut under the name St. Vincent in July 2007, she played with Sufjan Stevens's touring band — which is really more like a touring orchestra. Those two clarinets shared space with a saxophone, a violin, and a flute. Her mic stand even sported two microphones. It looked like a divining rod.This was the first performance of a five-week tour in support of her new Actor (4AD). She used all the charm at her disposal to chase away the opening-night jitters, and it seemed to work —though it's not as if Somerville twentysomethings were going to give her grief over a few missed cues. Dimpled college students (like myself), a few old hippies, scattered moms and dads — this was not a very threatening crowd. "I love you!" one woman sighed between songs, but not like a come-on. It sounded as if she had only just realized it herself.
Clark says she wrote Actor on GarageBand, and the album does have the feel of something composed from up close. Her melodies aren't master plans; they're more like an assortment of beads on a string, and she makes you pay attention to each one. That meant a daunting task for the four guys playing behind her as a band. They did loosen up some as the evening went on, but there were songs — "The Strangers," for one — where they didn't even sound as if they knew each other. (But do they secretly compete for Clark's love?)
The best sounds of the night came out of Clark's guitar. Her records don't tell you what an inspired noisemaker she can be; when she took to the whammy bar and opened up the distortion pedal, it was transformative. I still don't understand exactly how she starts to move when launching into one of these solos — she looked animatronic, or as if someone had touched jumper cables to her joints. Most of the time, St. Vincent rests comfortably in the indie mainstream, but here Clark revealed herself as a bit of a closet avant-gardist.
There's a difference between noise and wrong notes, however, and Clark wants nothing to do with wrong notes. I think it might be a good idea to let some in. Her band spent a long, long time tuning between songs; that added to precision but subtracted from surprise. Sometimes her music is too locked down, too perfectly patterned. She sounds best when she's getting away from herself.
Photos: St. Vincent at Somerville Theatre, Soundtrack of her life, Talent shows, More
- Photos: St. Vincent at Somerville Theatre
Annie Clark and co. live on May 19, 2009
- Soundtrack of her life
"I think that I secretly wish I was a filmmaker." Annie Clark may consider this some real hush-hush info, but even a cursory listen to Actor , her latest album (as St. Vincent), makes clear her cinematic aspirations.
- Talent shows
Does Annie Clark have to be perfect?
- Griot act
Some albums are extraordinary because they capture their time. Others are great because they transcend it.
- Slideshow: The Slutcracker
A burlesque take on the Nutcracker
- Photos: Os Mutantes at Somerville Theatre
Photos of Os Mutantes, on tour for their new album Haih or Amortecedor , at the Somerville Theatre
- Just serious enough
Over the years, I’ve seen many an act try and fail to get folks up out of their seats at the Somerville. On Sunday night, all Os Mutantes had to do was play the opening notes of Jorge Ben’s “A Minha Menina” and we all spilled into the aisles like a flash flood.
- Mixed emotions
When at the end of the title track of her band's new My Maudlin Career (4AD) Camera Obscura vocalist/songwriter Tracyanne Campbell coos "I don't want to be sad again" over a bed of ethereally jaunty chamber pop, you'd be wise to take that with a grain of salt.
- St. Vincent
Clark’s soaring soprano is capable of hitting a Billie Holiday swoon just as easily as a sinister incantation.
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The singing groups of the South of France draw on everything from mediæval pilgrimage chants and troubadour poetry to contemporary rap and ragga.
- Photos: Dirty Projectors and Vieux Farka Touré live at Somerville Theatre
Dirty Projectors and Vieux Farka Touré live at Somerville Theatre, June 18, 2009
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, Celebrity News, Entertainment, Music, Pop and Rock Music, Annie Clark, Annie Clark, Sufjan Stevens, rock, somerville Theatre, somerville Theatre, Less