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Tote Board Column -- 3/13 -- "Ridge to the Future"

Tote Board Column -- 3/13 -- "Ridge to the Future"
This week's Tote Board column looks at why John McCain should pick former Pennsylvania governor Tom Ridge as his running mate -- if Barack Obama is the Democratic nominee.
by Importer | Mar 13, 2008 | with no comments

How the Times Story Is Actually Helping McCain With Conservatives

How the Times Story Is Actually Helping McCain With Conservatives
For weeks there’s been speculation about how John McCain could possibly convince his party’s right wing to rally around him. The New York Times may have helped him take a giant step in that direction. Opinions can differ about whether the Times should...
by Importer | Feb 21, 2008 | with 3 comment(s)

Preview of Tonight's GOP Debate -- and Tomorrow's Democratic Debate Too, For That Matter

Preview of Tonight's GOP Debate -- and Tomorrow's Democratic Debate Too, For That Matter
The Tote Board may have acquired a severe case of campaign fatigue because, for once, we agree with Bill Kristol . Tonight's GOP debate is important -- and to a lesser extent, so is tomorrow's Democratic face-off -- both because it's crunch...
by Importer | Jan 30, 2008 | with 1 comment(s)

Giuliani Reportedly Set to Endorse McCain; The Romney Campaign is in Trouble

Giuliani Reportedly Set to Endorse McCain; The Romney Campaign is in Trouble
With Rudy Giuliani reportedly set to endorse John McCain, the Romney candidacy is in trouble. Sure, he can continue to spend his millions and he's a finalist in a two-and-a-half person race, with Mike Huckabee lingering in the background. But in five...
by Importer | Jan 30, 2008 | with no comments

One Florida Sub-Plot: McCain vs. Giuliani

One Florida Sub-Plot: McCain vs. Giuliani
McCain vs. Giuliani in Florida -- the Tote Board's take.
by Importer | Jan 22, 2008 | with 1 comment(s)

A Note of Caution Amidst the Euphoria: In Latest Ohio Poll, McCain Defeats Obama

A Note of Caution Amidst the Euphoria: In Latest Ohio Poll, McCain Defeats Obama
Amidst all the Democratic euphoria, a note of caution: In the latest Survey USA poll of Ohio , John McCain defeats Barack Obama by seven points -- 50%-43%. And, if Obama can't carry Ohio (at least against McCain), he's not going to carry Florida...
by Importer | Jan 08, 2008 | with no comments

Rasmussen Has Obama Way Up in NH But There's Good News in the Poll for McCain Too

Rasmussen Has Obama Way Up in NH But There's Good News in the Poll for McCain Too
The first Rasmussen post-Iowa New Hampshire poll has Obama ten points ahead of Clinton -- 37%-27% -- with Edwards lurking in the high teens. But there's also good news in this Democratic poll for John McCain. Rasmussen estimates that 40% of the NH...
by Importer | Jan 05, 2008 | with no comments

According to Reports, Thompson Preparing to Withdraw -- Some Expect Him Then To Endorse McCain

According to Reports, Thompson Preparing to Withdraw -- Some Expect Him Then To Endorse McCain
The Politico is reporting that absent a strong showing by Fred Thompson tonight -- which is unlikely -- he is preparing to withdraw and could endorse his long-time friend, John McCain. The McCain bandwagon is rolling. Later Update: For the record, Thompson...
by Importer | Jan 03, 2008 | with no comments

First Poll to Show McCain in Lead in NH Appears

First Poll to Show McCain in Lead in NH Appears
With only, believe it or not, a week to go until New Hampshire, Boston's Channel 7, along with Suffolk University, has new numbers for both parties in NH. They are: McCain 30% Romney 25% Giuliani 14% and Clinton 36% Obama 22% Edwards 14% This is the...
by Importer | Jan 01, 2008 | with 1 comment(s)

Tote Board Column -- 12/27 -- "McCain Still Able"

Tote Board Column -- 12/27 -- "McCain Still Able"
This week's Tote Board column looks at how electable each of the major candidates is and concludes that if John McCain can win the GOP nomination, he's the best bet to be the next president.
by Importer | Dec 27, 2007 | with 1 comment(s)

McCain Is On the Move

McCain Is On the Move
As we related earlier, we're not going to react to every waver in the polls -- there will be many in the days ahead. But when the trend is significant, we'll note it, and there are unmistakable signs that John McCain is having a signficant surge...
by Importer | Dec 20, 2007 | with 1 comment(s)

Lieberman to Endorse McCain Tomorrow But How Much It Will Help Is Questionable

Lieberman to Endorse McCain Tomorrow But How Much It Will Help Is Questionable
Marc Ambinder is reporting that Democratic independent Joe Lieberman will endorse John McCain tomorrow. The question is: Will it help him? Certainly not with Republicans. The question is how many conservative Democrats and independents will it mobilize...
by Importer | Dec 16, 2007 | with 2 comment(s)

The Des Moines Register Endorsement Of Hillary Is Close To Meaningless

The Des Moines Register Endorsement Of Hillary Is Close To Meaningless
The Des Moines Register has endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. Big deal. For 364 days of the year, everyone discusses how newspapers are losing their readership and influence. On the 365th, we’re supposed to believe that newspaper endorsements move...
by Importer | Dec 16, 2007 | with 2 comment(s)

Manchester Union Leader Endorses McCain: Does It Matter?

Manchester Union Leader Endorses McCain: Does It Matter?
The political press will be making a big deal this morning of the Manchester Union Leader's endorsement of John McCain. Here's a historical reminder of whom the Union Leader endorsed in the last few contested GOP primaries: 2000: Steve Forbes...
by Importer | Dec 02, 2007 | with no comments

The New York Times GOP Numbers: If They're Right, Huckabee is Within Striking Distance of Romney in Iowa

The New York Times GOP Numbers: If They're Right, Huckabee is Within Striking Distance of Romney in Iowa
The GOP Republican numbers in Iowa and New Hampshire, according to the latest New York Times poll: IOWA Romney 27% Huckabee 21% Giuliani 15% (just the top 3 listed) NEW HAMPSHIRE Romney 34% Giuliani 16% McCain 16% (just the top 3 listed) Three significant...
by Importer | Nov 14, 2007 | with no comments
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