*This particular message not endorsed by Blake Boston (a/k/a Scumbag Steve)
Boston might be the most adored degenerate on earth. But even without
hyperbole, he's one of the Bay State's biggest exports. Ever since a
photo of Boston (that's his real name) posing in his kitchen doorway
was sucked into the viral whirlwind two years ago, and universally
branded by internet users as Scumbag Steve, the Massachusetts
native's fur-lined G-Unit parka and signature patterned fitted hat –
the latter famously cocked back and to the side – have transcended
the underground world of web memes and effectively highjacked the pop
culture agenda.
beauty of the Scumbag Steve meme is its versatility; the fitted hat
connotes scumbaggery, thus anyone who sports it – regardless of how
poorly the photo is edited – is to be considered a selfish vagrant
within the framework of the joke. Considering that potential utility,
it's natural that Scumbag Steve emerged as one of the most prominent
memes of this particularly crude election season. From foreign
dictators to Mitt Romney to Barack Obama and you name it, Boston's
iconic headpiece has been cocked back and relentlessly doctored
throughout the past year and a half of partisan warfare.
since we profiled Boston and his gang of fellow memes a few months ago, we
noticed that he's been extremely vocal about politics on Twitter.
Even more interesting has been that despite the risk that progressive
affiliations pose to one's scumbag status, Boston is more or less a
stone cold liberal, Massachusetts-style. At that, we thought to ask
the former Medfield High School lacrosse goalie about some state and
national races, as well as about his feelings on Romney wearing his
hat. He also shared some of his favorite memes from the election
(they appear throughout this post).
read too deeply into this – Boston's opinions are no more or less
important than those of any self-important media pundit, myself
included. He does, however, represent several voting blocs that I
haven't heard anybody talk much at all about about over the past year
– former G-Unit jacket owners, suburban rappers, honorable
lowlives, and internet memes, to name a few. With that said, there is
one thing that anybody reading this should consider: if Scumbag Steve
is more political than you are, then you might want to give your
level of civic engagement some serious thought.
I've noticed that
you've grown awfully political in the last few months. Was it
anything in particular that spurred your interest in politics?
I've always been
political – I just get more vocal around election times. Maybe it's
because I'm a father now, but this shit is real. In my opinion,
Romney will get us into a war that will bring near disaster to the
country. I also fear that Romney's religious views will override
what's good for all of us, and that all the work Obama has done will
be for naught – on women's rights, healthcare, the environment,
jobs. (Writer's note – he really did use the word “naught”!!!)
Are you registered to
Of course I am. When it
comes to politics, let's just say I feel like it's my duty to stay
informed. And when it comes to truth in politics, I tweet, argue, and
yell like it's my job when I smell bullshit.
How long have you been
registered to vote?
As soon as I turned 18, I
went and registered. I'll be 23 in February.
Who have you voted for
in the past?
I voted for Obama and
Democrats across the board.
Are you registered as
a member any particular party?
I'm registered as
What are your general
thoughts on this election season?
This presidential race
has sickened me in some ways. I know what it's like to be maligned,
what it's like to take something out of context and turn it into a
falsehood that's perceived as truth on the internet. I guess that is
why Mitt Romney has bugged the shit out of me with his run for
presidency. Romney has twisted and turned and squirreled facts to
suit which audience he's currently slinging bull to. Honestly, you'd
think by the way he talks about how he governed Massachusetts he'd be
winning in this state. He's not and for good reasons.
Who do you support in
the Massachusetts senate race? Who do you think is going to win?
Warren's the right
choice, but damn she needs to change up her hairdo. I think it's too
close to call.
Any thoughts on
Massachusetts Question 2, which would allow terminal patients to
humanely off themselves?
I'm really conflicted on
this one. My doctor uncle keeps saying it's not the way to go, but
something in me feels that it's our right as humans to end our life
with dignity.
Do I even have to ask
how you feel about Question 3?
I'm not for it – psych.
Of course I'm for it, it's medicinal, but hopefully we can eventually
take it a step further and [legalize] the ganja. It's time; the
amount of arrests before the decriminalizing was ridiculous. The
jails are overloaded as they are, and it's become a way to make money
from police to lawyers to jails to bailiffs. All because of a natural
weed? Oh, and for the record, I actually don't smoke. For real.
How do you respond to
rumors that Scumbag Steve is in the Tea Party, and what should people
do if Tea Partiers try intimidating them at the polls?
Throw em in the drink.
They should just yell at the top of their lungs, "Help me help
me I'm being accosted by some old rotten stuck-together bags!" I
don't know, but seriously, I'm not down at all with the Tea Partiers.
Stop them!
Who do you support for
president this year and why? Who do you think is going to win?
Barack Obama – he knows
where the country has to go. He's worked to rectify the situation of
two wars not paid for and a tax cut that killed the budget. He will
hold billionaires' fucking toes to the fire. He will work for a
better world for not just us but his kids and that means something. I
just don't like how Romney is motivated by money and religion. Just
do yourself a favor.
What are some of your
views across the issues?
In my least scumbag way,
president Barack Obama is the right choice. Yeah he's got work to do,
he knows it, but he just doesn't seem like a liar. And that to me
speaks to his integrity. And that to me will keep us out of wars,
will keep us covered by insurers, even with pre-existing conditions,
will keep women able to decide what's best for their bodies, will
keep Planned Parenthood, will keep keep things equal.
What will a second
Obama term look like?
Unfortunately, the
right-wing Republicans and Tea Partiers will not compromise. They don't put
the country ahead of their own narrow outlook. The only change will
be if there is some meeting of the minds – that will give Obama a
chance to do what what he believes; he needs Republicans to put aside
their small-minded disgust of him and focus on what will benefit of
the whole country. If that can be done, we will be on our way to a
better nation.
What will a Romney
presidency look like?
J. Edgar Hoover. 1938.
The crash. The depression. Blind. Bleak, full of lies and religion.
Oh, and lots and lots of baptisms.
Finally – there have
been A LOT of presidential memes based on Scumbag Steve over the past
year. Any thoughts on that, and do you have a favorite?
It's a funny thing when
you're an internet meme known for some unsavory characteristics.
People confuse the shit out of whether I'm actually a scumbag in real
life. Truth is I'm a pretty nice guy with at times a few scumbag
tendencies, but I really don't think I'm alone in that description.
As for the memes – Scumbag Mitt Romney [is my favorite], but
truthfully, seeing him in my hat and in my doorway freaked me out a
little. Not a good look.
Any other thoughts?
Think about that elderly
aunt – you know, the one that lost her husband and is in poor
health, that worked for years at Macy's and didn't have any kids.
Think about [Romney's 47 percent speech], and what he believes her
life is worth. Then you go and tell me who the real scumbag is.