
Meet the Mayor: Brighton Music Hall


Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in their natural habitats.

Brighton Music Hall
Anthony McBrayer

What's with all these people walking around in Viking helmets?
Today is the Great Boston Beer Marathon. It's a pub crawl organized by Great Boston Experience.

And they force people to wear those stupid hats?
I don't think they're forced. If you drink enough, you'll wear just about anything.

Speaking of, as a security guard here, what's the most epic public meltdown you've had to eject?
I've seen people come out to the street and cling to the light posts for dear life ....and a couple of close calls with the traffic, but they all made it out safe.

Who's been your favorite of all the people you've ejected? Like, have you ever had to kick out an adorable person?
No. There have been no Care Bears who I've had to eject. And no Smurfs, and no puppets from Fraggle Rock.

Aren't Fraggles not allowed in clubs?
I'm sure they're all underage and can't hold their liquor. Chaos would ensue.

 If someone threatened your mayorship, couldn't you just preemptively ban them?
I could, but if I saw them checking in, I'd probably let them enjoy the show...and have a discussion with them afterwards.

Want to be interviewed about your Foursquare mayorship? Give us a shout: tweet @bostonphoenix or email And for tips, friend us:

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