Meet the Mayor: Precinct
Welcome to "Meet the Mayor," a segment in which we interview local Foursquare Mayors in
their natural habitats.

Meghan Chiampa
What have been your
best and worst experiences here?
Let me think . . . I booked a Mardi Gras
show, and I think that was both. The show was awesome, one of the first I sold
out. But there was this really drunk guy who came in with a sousaphone. I was
like, ‘Oh, you've got a sousaphone? Blah blah blah.' He started hitting on me,
and he tried to fight my fiancé, and they had to kick him out. At first I
thought he was a good guy because he played the sousaphone, but he was probably
on glue or something.
Why don't more people
play the sousaphone?
They're too big to carry around. That's probably why there
was so much anger in that guy, but I thought it was awesome. I like brass
instruments. That was one of the first sousaphones I had ever seen, and it made
sense for a Mardi Gras party. He was pretending to be with one of the bands, which
he wasn't.
Did you ever hear him
play his sousaphone?
He didn't get the chance.
Think maybe he didn't
really know how, and was just trying to impress people?
That's what I'm afraid of.
Want to be interviewed about your
Foursquare mayorship? Give us
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