Gibson's pop outs the Pope (and other ramblings)

We've long been able to depend on Mel Gibson for his thoughtful insights
into the world. He always seems to know what's what, whether he's
decrying an entire religion or dispensing wisdom about a woman's wifely
duties, damn it. Give him a soapbox and Mel will know what to do with
it. And the tainted fruit doesn't fall far from the tree of good and evil, apparently. Hutton Gibson, still ranting and raving tirelessly at the ripe old age of 91, recently went on the Political Cesspool Radio Program
(a show long-criticized for endorsing anti-Semitic and
white-supremacist views) armed with a very important public service
announcement: the Pope is a queer. Hear it for yourself.
right; Gibson Sr. hauled is rickety old bigoted self out of his rocker
just to out Pope Benedict XVI. And while the Pope very well might be a
homosexual-- though who's to know and who's to actually care-- it
doesn't quite seem the place of the geriatric patriarch of Hollywood's
craziest racist domestic abuser to make that particular call. Hutton
who, incidentally, is a one-time Jeopardy champion (so we can't blame
this one on run-of-the-mill stupidity) made his claim in response to a question
about the Catholic Church being too politicized to address issues such
as, say, homosexuality. "Half the people in the Vatican are queer," he
asserted tactfully. Maybe. But who needs to hear about it from this guy. Also, watch your language, tiny little Klan tykes might be listening to this show.
well-founded and totally sane ideas Gibson has proposed include that
"slippery character's" [the Pope] role in a deep-seeded conspiracy to
destroy the Catholic Church (they seem to be doing that just fine on
their own, thanks) and the dubious logistics of the "mostly fictional"
Holocaust. Whew. Sort of makes Gibson Jr. seem almost harmless. Just