Lip Lock
Frequent readers of this literary blog know that we are somewhat, ehem, fixated and irrevocably OBSESSED with the Harry Potter series and its accompanying films. While the books have never failed to disappoint us, we've had lots of issues with the movies -- especially the last one, Goblet of Fire. Don't get us started.
And yet...
With word that the latest Hary Potter film installment -- that would be The Order of the Phoenix, in case you care -- is in now in post-production, we can't stop ourselves from getting all hopeful and misty-eyed at its potential to win us over. Especially since Harry is finally going to get some.
To wit:

Holy shit, it's the first screen cap of Harry and Cho kissing! It makes us weep with the suggestion of their fleeting innocence. But what the hell is up with the lack of tongues?! Doesn't Harry realize he's got CEDRIC to compete with? Jeez.
Now that we got that out of our system, we can go back to dreading how director David Yates will butcher this one.
Thanks for indulging us.