Breaking news from the concert ticket trade
By GOING ON SALE | July 31, 2007

Minus the Bear |
CHEVELLE + FAIR TO MIDLAND + 2 CENTS | September 11 at Avalon, Boston | $22.50 | On sale Friday at 10 am | 617.931.2000 | KINGS OF LEON | September 28 at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston | $35 | On sale Friday at 10 am | 617.931.2000 | FUJIYA & MIYAGI + DIRTY ON PURPOSE | September 29 downstairs at the Middle East, Cambridge | $12 | On sale Friday at 10 am | 617.931.2000 | TORI AMOS | October 22 at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston | $39.50-$49.50 | On sale Friday at 10 am | 617.931.2000 | JOSH ROUSE | November 1 at the Somerville Theatre, Somerville | $21 | On sale Friday at 10 am | 617.931.2000 | STS9 | September 27 at Avalon, Boston | $21 | On sale Saturday at 10 am | 617.931.2000 | MINUS THE BEAR + SUBTLE + ELA | October 3-4 downstairs at the Middle East, Cambridge | $15 | On sale Saturday at 10 am | 617.931.2000 | PAOLO NUTINI + JOHN MCLAUGHLIN + SERENA RYDER | October 6 at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston | $25 | On sale Saturday at 10 am | 617.931.2000 | SINÉAD O’CONNOR | October 22 at the Orpheum Theatre, Boston | $35-$55 | On sale Saturday at 10 am | 617.931.2000
Grrrrab bag, Akudama, Triple threat, More
- Grrrrab bag
Bear is the new wolf
- Akudama
Music seen at 14 Winter St, May 10, 2008
- Triple threat
This Friday, October 24, at the Middle East upstairs, no fewer than three local rock bands will release brand-new CDs on the very same night — at the very same show.
- Keep rotating
The album improves with every listen and is damn hard to get out of your player of choice.
- Mind over mind
Loyal readers of this column know that when it comes to the local music scene, college is the best of times and the worst of times.
- Going on sale: March 9, 2007
Harry & the Potters, Piebald, Sage Francis, and more.
- Stars aligned
The days are growing shorter, the magazines are (well, barely) getting larger and meatier, and the first batch of cider doughnuts is on the way real soon: all sure signs of autumn, as is the bountiful crop of prestigious concerts coming our way this season.
- Minus the Bear
Minus the Bear are at their best when they let down their guard and allow a little heat to penetrate their Planet of Ice.
- Less

New England Music News
, Sinead O'Connor, John McLaughlin, Tori Amos, More
, Sinead O'Connor, John McLaughlin, Tori Amos, Minus the Bear, Josh Rouse, Paolo Nutini, Fujiya & Miyagi, Less