Fluttr Effect wrestle with their identity
By TED DROZDOWSKI | December 6, 2006
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Ladies might, Boston music news: May 4, 2007, Mad professor, More
- Ladies might
On Swallows and Sparrows, an all-girl trio spinoff from the four-year-old quintet packs its estrogen-charged members into one compact, softer-edged unit.
- Boston music news: May 4, 2007
Chris Mascara has been thinking about musical genres and labeling.
- Mad professor
It’s Friday night at the Berklee College of Music, and students are filing into room F12 to be pummeled with sonic shrapnel.
- Autumn leaves
One of the great harbingers of fall jazz for the past seven years has been the Beantown Jazz Festival.
- Berklee beatz
Berklee College of Music has more than 3800 students, and their collaborations and talents populate Boston clubs citywide. Big Willie Green, "Oooh" (mp3 via Myspace) Danielle Scott, "Ghetto Wonderland" (mp3 via MySpace)
- Boston music news, November 23, 2007
Sting has an honorary doctorate from Berklee College of Music. David Bowie has one.
- C Change
In the back room at the Outpost 186 Gallery, Birdsongs of the Mesozoic put on a delicate, salon-scale performance of Terry Riley’s minimalist monolith, In C .
- Urban bards
“You’ll find us. We’ll sound like Kenny G on acid.”
- Teachers and students
Several of this fall's promising jazz performances are clustered around the week of October 18. That marks the 40th-anniversary celebration of the jazz-studies program at New England Conservatory, which, created by Gunther Schuller, established NEC as one of the international twin beacons of jazz education in Boston along with Berklee College of Music.
- Boston music news: July 28, 2006
Do eight-minute dating round-robins make you cringe? Not just at the concept but at the desperate corporate clientele?
- The Big Hurt: Neglected press-release roundup
Nothing shakes off the doldrums like a short vacation to the bottom of the press-release barrel.
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