Techno or yes, part II

WERS cancels Revolutions ; Boston icons blow up
By DAVID DAY  |  October 13, 2006

PASSINGS: DJ Gina Turner mourns the end of Revolutions at the 808 Loft's final party

Bit of a frustrating week here at Circuits as the Hub continues to change. In the year and a minute since we embarked on this column, talents have come up and parties have launched that signal a move toward a new dance sound that Boston can embrace or reject. We’re hoping it’s embraced. The final party at the 808 LOFT, to which Circuits has devoted much ink, was an impromptu success, but it heralds another change in our beloved techno landscape. As much as we love to cover hip-hop and house, our real passion is techno, or whatever you want to call the modern, clean, 4/4 sound that can be ecstatic or smooth. It’s blowing up worldwide, whether the Germanic version, the French racket sound, or the DFA-fueled NYC scene, and it has a foothold in Boston with camps like ROBOTLOVESONGS, UNLOCKEDGROOVE, and PROPERAZZI. But it took a blow with the closing of the 808 Loft and the elimination of long-time techno show REVOLUTIONS from Emerson College’s radio schedule. DJ GINA TURNER was one of the many DJ personalities the show produced, alongside producer MORGAN PAGE, DJ RED FOXXWORTH, DJ SARIN, and others. “It was a way to express myself and let others know about the talent in New England,” she writes from Los Angeles, where she’s finishing up her Emerson studies. “People who lived outside of Boston could still get their electronic-music fix. Even when they lived in the suburbs and couldn’t make it to nights like Elements at the Phoenix Landing or Hearthrob at Middlesex, they could hear about how the nights were and find out about new music.”

Circuits profiled Revolutions over the summer, but the long-running radio show deserved more love. Meanwhile, the final loft program was marred by an early-AM police visit, but it’s worth noting the underground party had very little trouble with this in the past — most patrons came out for the music and the camaraderie. The point is, there is now a tremendous opportunity to move this party, and its mailing list and its audience, to a proper club, and Circuits is hoping some big, legit club will pick it up. Club agents could visit the Web site to reach out to those guys. We can’t do anything more than guarantee coverage, ha-ha . . .

Further frustration came with an e-mail from WNYU last week that read: “MIKE UZZI, having recently moved from Boston to New York City, will be joined by unlockedgroove label mate Jamie Rollins on Rotation.” Rotation is already one of the better music programmes in the nation, and now it’s landed our beloved Uzzi. On the upside: Uzzi has become co-curator of Boston techno label Zero G Sounds. “I’m pretty psyched to get to work with him in this capacity,” says label proprietor and local DJ EDDIE ODABACHIAN, “since he has an incredible grasp of techno musicology and a great sense of the electronic-music market.” All of which is true, of course, but the guy is still 214 miles away.

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Related: Wired for sound, Party pros, Playlist: June 22, 2007, More more >
  Topics: New England Music News , Entertainment, Fred Gianelli, Ellen Allien,  More more >
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 See all articles by: DAVID DAY