A Mike Cooley solo album is a treat for Drive-By Truckers fans. Fellow Trucker Patterson Hood has been more prolific and much praised, but Cooley is a fine writer and performer, and this live acoustic collection spotlights his lyrics and the flexibility of his songwriting. Eleven of his Truckers contributions get stripped down and rebuilt with a more intimate feel. Some already acoustic-heavy songs like "Loaded Gun in the Closet" and "Eyes Like Glue" are no-brainers. But the rockers come off just as well. "Shut Up and Get on the Plane" was always reflective, but without the big rock guitars, the story emerges. "Cottonseed" takes on a more sinister edge arranged for banjo, and "Where the Devil Don't Sat" ditches the thump and overdrive and is reborn as a spare, finger-picked country song. Cooley's voice has a natural Willie Nelson twang and the resonance of Johnny Cash. Fool is less a statement and more a reminder of Cooley's talent.NICK A. ZAINO III » NICK@NICKZAINO.COM
Drive-By Truckers | Go-Go Boots, Ash Borer | Ash Borer, Sun Araw | Ancient Romans, More
- Drive-By Truckers | Go-Go Boots
I've argued that Drive-By Truckers — the definitive post-Southern-rock Southern-rock band — haven't been the same since parting ways with Jason Isbell, and their previous two releases serve as spotty Exhibits A and B.
- Ash Borer | Ash Borer
NorCal black-metal trio Ash Borer's debut full-length is as diminutive as their namesake (limited to a 150-cassette run) but no less destructive or striking as they hurtle through three tracks in 40 minutes.
- Sun Araw | Ancient Romans
The hypnotic fifth LP by Sun Araw — the five-year-old solo project of Angelino Cameron Stallones — is a double-vinyl spiral through deep zones of neo-primitive psych-drone noise.
- Active Child | You Are All I See
Pat Grossi used to be a choirboy, which is not surprising at all, given that his full-length debut under the Active Child moniker sounds like it was cut in some sort of dimly lit, hallowed hall under the cover of night.
- The Big Hurt: Pablo Dylan's 10 Minutes
Bob Dylan's 16-year-old grandson, Pablo Dylan, just dropped 10 Minutes , his first rap mixtape.
- The Woodrow Wilsons | The Devil Jonah
The Woodrow Wilsons are a haushold name — to anyone familiar with Jamaica Plain's Whitehaus Collective, that is.
- Scuba | Personality
Believe it or not, there still exist some pockets of the globe where dubstep remains sacred, with champions of purism deflecting the ever-tainting mainstream intrusions.
- Nite Jewel | One Second of Love
Los Angeles songstress Ramona Gonzalez began home-recording dark dance music in 2008, attracting the attention of blogspots and boutique labels with her soulful voice, lo-fi post-disco beats, and distinct sense of weirdo minimalism.
- Cat's Eyes | Cat's Eyes
It is a generally agreed upon truth that the best pop music occupies the small Venn-diagram overlap between the sacred and the profane, the itty bitty piece of real estate where our secret subconscious gets confused between which feelings belong to the Lord and those that reside Below.
- Little Dragon | Ritual Union
On Ritual Union, the third full-length from these mechanical soul weirdos, Little Dragon have managed to get way catchier and also a great deal stranger.
- The Big Pink | Future This
The Big Pink's name is forgettable and their sound is too generic to describe. Sneering electronic dance-rock heavy on synths and slowed-down '90s rave beats? They might as well be the Klaxons.
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CD Reviews
, review, Mike Cooley, album