RAUCOUS Viva Viva rocked the Boston Music Awards festivities at the Liberty Hotel and nabbed Best Rock Act. |
The Boston rock scene is an interesting beast. Ambitious, cohesive, and frustratingly indefinable, it's a community that might not make much sense to outsiders. The so-called "biggest" bands in Boston are the ones still playing the clubs, still banging away at day jobs, still hanging out at the Middle East, Great Scott, T.T. the Bear's, and other venues that combine a stage and a scene. In a time where the notion of "making it" changes daily, Boston's rock scene in 2011 eased into a confident period of not giving a fuck what anyone else thinks, and continued its tradition of making great music. All that's left is for the rest of the country to take notice in 2012. Here's a month-by-month breakdown of the year in Boston rock.
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A longing look at 2011's lost liberties, The best films of 2011 are not the ballyhooed, Dueling stages, More
- A longing look at 2011's lost liberties
You might already be outraged over San Francisco's Happy Meal ban.
- The best films of 2011 are not the ballyhooed
The films this year were kind of like the current field of Republican presidential candidates: some are entertaining, but there's no clear frontrunner, and there's more attention on the flashiest and least substantial than on the more thoughtful and genuine.
- Dueling stages
It's been the visitors versus the home teams this year.
- Review: Halo: Reach
Throughout Halo: Reach 's campaign, you are haunted by the thought that, at the end, you will die — and that with your death, the Halo empire will come to an end.
- Reivew: Resident Evil: Afterlife
Within the first 15 minutes of Resident Evil: Afterlife , an army of Milla Jovovich clones have ripped 500 bad guys to shreds and Tokyo has been reduced to a smoking crater. The action gets only more gonzo from there.
- How To Dress Well | Love Remains
In the dreamy, spacious world of How To Dress Well (one-man band Tom Krell), everything is light: the tone, the production, the vocals, the touch of each aural element.
- Marc Ribot | Silent Movies
This exceptional, eccentric guitarist has traced a slow evolution from screamer to dreamer.
- Small Black | New Chain
Listening to Small Black perform New Chain is like watching lovely but reclusive exotic fish wander around a fortified aquarium.
- Local H | Awesome Mix Tape #1
Reimagining an overplayed classic-rock radio staple always goes one of two ways: either it reaffirms your dislike for the track, or it puts a fresh spin on it.
- The 1900s | Return of the Century
Parasol (2010)
- This is the season for unexpected greatness
Say what you will about cruelest months, but spring is a time of hope. It's a time when the dead revive, appearances deceive, expectations are reversed, and secret identities are revealed.
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