The parallel but separate career paths of New England folk icon Bill Morrissey and edgy political satirist Barry Crimmins, both of whom began their assent in Boston’s 1980s club scene, intersected for shows May 5 and 6 at Jimmy Tingle’s Off Broadway in Davis Square. It was a rare opportunity for both men, long-time friends, to share a bill, and one of the more promising unions of music and comedy that the intimate theater has been hosting.
On Friday, Morrissey, knees cocked back and singing with passion and vigor, unveiled a stack of new songs from his just-recorded 11th album. His deft open-tuned picking accompanied fresh material that floated on currents of wistfulness, love, and heartache. There were touching paeans to middle-aged romance and the moments of inarticulate silence that are part of longing. And his life-weathered voice and deep, ringing guitar tone caressed every emotional button along the way. He also mentioned that fellow songwriter Dave Alvin, a founder of the Blasters and occasional member of X and the Knitters, had joined him in the studio for the new album — which makes it that much more enticing.
Crimmins is a high-functioning humorist who thrives on improvisation and demands that his audience be well informed and smart enough to follow his rapid connections to world events and the absurd. His timing was a bit off that night, probably — to judge by our backstage conversation — because of the static of a high-pressure book deal he’s undertaken with the Air America radio network, for which he’s a staff writer. But he still hit brilliant highs, especially when powered by righteous indignation. “People say, ‘If you don’t like this country, why don’t you get out of it?’ ” he told the rapt crowd before delivering the punch line: “Well, I don’t want to be victimized by its foreign policy.” A rematch with these two veterans would be welcome.
Schmucks unlimited, Adieu, a little, Ding Ho home, More
- Schmucks unlimited
It’s April, supposedly the cruelest month, but after a winter that seemed like 150 days of March, how bad can it be?
- Adieu, a little
From the page to the stage, humorist Barry Crimmins has served as one of America’s most notorious political watchdogs.
- Ding Ho home
Opening a comedy club in a Cambridge Chinese restaurant was a laughable idea unto itself.
- All around town
Letters to the Boston editor, August 18, 2006
- Frighteningly good
Charlestown comedy team the Walsh Bros. are ready for prime time.
- Caught in the act
Dateline NBC ’s “To Catch a Predator” series is dedicated to revealing, and more recently, arresting would-be sexual predators. But according to some, what’s portrayed on television is only a tiny snapshot of a bigger picture.
- Worse than the chief?
As a former Texan, I knew what a loser W was, but the Hammer was in many ways worse.
- On the national affront
Where does one begin to recap 12 months of such willful self-parody?
- The Devil and Dick Cheney
Dick: e ver since you shoved your fall guy, Scooter, off the political cliff, I simply cannot get in touch with you.
- Comedy central?
The local Boston comedy scene has, somewhat ironically, a lot of drama.
- Boston music news: June 15, 2007
Jim Infantino of Jim's Big Ego is describing The Ego & the Oracle , a show he’s been staging Sundays at Jimmy Tingle’s Off Broadway.
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Live Reviews
, Entertainment, Nightlife, Performing Arts, More
, Entertainment, Nightlife, Performing Arts, Jimmy Tingle, Theater, Dave Alvin, Bill Morrissey, Less