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Dancing the night away, Princesses, Mixing it up, More
- Dancing the night away
The cat is back; the clock is back; the fire is back.
- Princesses
Cinderella has been making her way around New England stages, and whether she had fairy or gold dust in her eyes depended on where you caught up with her.
- Mixing it up
If your exposure to the world of ballet has been limited to The Nutcracker, do yourself a favor and get to the current incarnation of Festival Ballet Providence’s Up CLOSE, on HOPE series.
- Get CLOSEr
Festival Ballet Providence’s “Up CLOSE, on HOPE” program is a stunning selection of short classical and contemporary ballet, performed with polish and passion.
- Mastering the motion
“Masters of Motion” is the kind of catch-all title for a dance bill that encompasses everything and puts you in mind of nothing.
- Intimate moves
What began as a way to give audiences a closer look at its dancers and choreographers an opportunity to showcase new work has become an integral part of Festival Ballet Providence’s season: the “Up CLOSE, on HOPE” series.
- Modern romantics
Romeo & Juliet, On Motifs of Shakespeare is less of a statement than a supposition: what if we did it a different way?
- Made in USA
In choosing ballets from three American choreographers for the American Masters program, Mihailo Djuric has looked to two classics and one world premiere.
- Making the leap
A full weekend of dance performance is on the docket.
- Wising up
Sergei Prokofiev’s two classical ballets invariably find Boston Ballet playing the dating game.
- Postmodern cabaret
The Spiegeltent at Bard College fits into two big trucks and can be raised in a couple of days by a crew of workers.
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Topics: Theater
, Entertainment, Sergei Prokofiev, Dance, More
, Entertainment, Sergei Prokofiev, Dance, Performing Arts, Boston Ballet, Viktor Plotnikov, Ballet, Ilya Burov, Leticia Guerrero, Festival Ballet, Less