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Dr. Lovemonkey: Jailbait and Jailbirds

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
Is there something I'm missing?
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  June 09, 2009

Hippies and pre-teens and dating; Oh my!

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
I'm planning to attend a rally for social and economic justice soon and I'm wondering what to wear.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  June 03, 2009

Celebrating the original DIY

Sex can't get any safer than having it with yourself
Like you, dear readers, I was apparently too busy exploring south of the border to even realize it, but I just found out that May was National Masturbation Month.
By YOUR SECRET ADMIRER  |  June 05, 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey: Burned and Brrrrr-ed

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
I went out with this woman for about six months and we broke it off a couple of years ago because she said she didn't have time for a relationship.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  May 27, 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey: 'Net Wait

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
Confusion and heartbreak and Internet...Oh my!
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  May 20, 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey: May 15 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions  
One of my oldest friends is getting married soon and she is having a major party where those invited are expected to bring gifts.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  May 13, 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey: Let's do lunch

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
There's this guy that I know from work. Well, actually, I don't really know him, I just see him all the time.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  May 06, 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey: A bad move

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
I've been with my girlfriend, Tanya, for three years (off and on). For about the past year or so, she has been eager for us to move in together.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  April 29, 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey: Cautionary Tales

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
I've been going out with this guy at work for about four months and, although I love him dearly, he seems distant while we are at work.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  April 22, 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey: Home improvement?

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
I think that I am being played for a fool.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  April 08, 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey: What would Jimmy do?

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
I met the most beautiful woman the other day ... Although I am attracted to her, I don't want to have an affair.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  March 31, 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey: Bad chemistry

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
I am very much in love with this guy I have known for the past six years. The problem is he knocked up a girl half his age and they have been married for 2-1/2 years.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  March 24, 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey: Fan mail

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
Don't worry, I'm a fan — I read your column most weeks and think that you have good insight into the questions that are being asked.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  March 18, 2009

Dr. Lovemonkey: Trapped?

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
Does the type of food you eat affect the way you may taste to the opposite sex?
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  March 11, 2009

Ask Dr. Lovemonkey: Ties that bind

 Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
This is not actually my story, but the story of a good friend from college.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  February 11, 2009

Ask Dr. Lovemonkey: Politenessman

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  January 28, 2009

Ask Dr. Lovemonkey: A little too late

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
This may seem a little bit picky, as it is merely a matter of etiquette, but I'm curious about what you think.
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  January 21, 2009

Ask Dr. Lovemonkey: Fairy tale wishes

Dear Dr. Lovemonkey, I'd like my marriage to be more like a "fairy tale." How can I do that?
By DR. LOVEMONKEY  |  January 14, 2009

Doggie benefits

Dr. Lovemonkey answers your questions
Can't share
By Dr. Lovemonkey  |  January 06, 2009

Deep Background

Ask Dr. Lovemonkey
Ask Dr. Lovemonkey
By  |  December 22, 2008

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