Even formal addresses are delivered far more frequently than in the pre-TV past. Obama has already delivered one on the economy, and he has not even yet taken the office. He seems certain to hold regular press conferences. In fact, a counter-intuitive media critic might want to speculate on whether one real political danger to Obama is overexposure. There's something to be said for a little distance between the people and their president in terms of preserving some of the mystique of the office. It's worth remembering that, for all his vaunted communication skills on radio, FDR only gave 16 Fireside Chats during his first eight years in office – an average of only two a year.
Inauguration day is deservedly a national time of celebration and renewal, especially this year, when the populace is so desirous of change and in search of leadership. But in the long run, for better or worse, more people will probably remember what Michelle Obama wore to the inaugural balls than what her husband said some 12 hours earlier.
To read the "Presidential Tote Board" blog, go to thePhoenix.com/blogs/toteboard. Steven Stark can be reached at sds@starkwriting.com.
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Stark Ravings
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, Barack Obama, Media, Ronald Reagan, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Michelle Obama, Abraham Lincoln, US Capitol, U.S. Presidential Inauguration, Less