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Review: Echelon Conspiracy

Don't watch it sober .
By JASON O'BRYAN  |  March 4, 2009
1.0 1.0 Stars

VIDEO: The trailer for Echelon Conspiracy

There is no level on which director Greg Marcks's film isn't spectacularly stupid.

Brilliant young engineer Max Peterson (a mugging Shane West) receives anonymous, omniscient texts that lead him away from a doomed airplane and toward friendly slot machines and untold wealth before embroiling him in an international conspiracy run by (spoiler!) the NSA's self-aware supercomputer, Echelon. It's as if EagleEye and War Games had been combined and written for the screen by a ninth-grader.

The plot is so riddled with holes that to single out one would be a disservice to the others; the climax might just be the worst in modern American film. Echelon Conspiracy's saving grace, if has one, is that all the unintentional laughs make it worth the price of admission — but I can't in good conscience recommend watching it sober.

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  Topics: Reviews , Shane West, Shane West
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