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Editors' Picks

China Blue: "Firefly Projects"

You heard about the ecological trend of bees disappearing, but did you know that fireflies are following suit? Evidently the creatures are finding the planet a tough place to call home. China Blue, an artist who has previously examined some of the globe’s “hidden acoustics” (like the sounds made when the wind hits the steel of the Eiffel Tower or when waves lap against the gondolas in the canals of Venice), laments the loss of her glowing friends. “Firefly Projects” at the Newport Art Museum, 76 Bellevue Avenue, is a tribute to their beauty. The show comments on “the fragility of our ecosystem by creating a series of artworks incorporating lights, sound, robotics, and forms inspired by and mimicking fireflies.” Like that 7-1/2-foot tree made of power cables and wooden dowels and blue LED lights? It parallels the insect’s signaling process. And the mechanical bug that moves from spot to spot while lighting up every few seconds? That’s a you-know-what. The show runs through September 5 | $10, $8 seniors, $6 students | 401.848.8200 | newportart