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Editors' Picks
Daniel Tosh
Slacker comedian Daniel Tosh scored the gig of a lifetime with Tosh.0. If the rest of his generation’s pot-smoking layabouts got paid to watch YouTube videos all day, we might not be looking at 9.2 percent unemployment. But the lanky, hoodie-loving funnyman is far more than the sum of his favorite YouTube fails. Most everyone would agree that where Tosh truly excels is onstage. His brand of dry, politically-incorrect humor has earned him many props in stand-up circles; no doubt he’ll bring it in spades to his Tosh Tour On Ice at the Wang. And he might just screen a video of a someone punching themselves in the nuts — just ‘cause he can.
Daniel Tosh is a comedian who currently resides in Los Angeles, CA. He has recently performed on Comedy Central Presents. He has also made appearances...