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Editors' Picks
Cinderella + MASS + John Corab
This event occurs in the past,
Aug 10 2011
169 Ocean Blvd, Hampton, NH
(view map)
Back in 1986, when a man’s poodle hair was as tall as his rock-star aspirations, spandex was a way of life, and glam albums like Night Songs could eventually go triple platinum, Tom Keifer stressed he was “nobody’s fool.” Twenty-five years later, with 20 million albums sold, he and Cinderella are back to remind us. This is no washed-up, triple-band, retro summer tour — it’s a no-frills (ok, maybe a few frills) rock band rocking the eff out.
There are four artists called Cinderella. 1. A glam metal band most known during the 1980s. They were formed in Philadelphia in 1982 by vocalist...
John Corab
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