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Anniversary waltz

By MARCIA B. SIEGEL  |  December 15, 2009

The other new work on the program was Heart Starvation, a solo for Corbett by choreographer Peter Schmitz. The score for this, reinforcing Corbett's panoramic taste in music, butted the Shirelles' "Will You Love Me Tomorrow" up against Camille Saint-Saëns's plodding variation on the cancan, the "Tortoise" from his Carnival of the Animals. In a lexicon that emphasized inclinations, swings, and twistings of the upper body rather than traveling or jumping, Corbett savored going into a new direction but then didn't make a big point of it when she got there. In this and all of her own choreography, she lets you know, simply and without imposed mimicry or melodrama, that there's a real person dancing.

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Related: New stuff, 2009: The year in dance, Squiggles and lines, More more >
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