We put a comic on the hot seat. This week’s victim . . .
By MARC HIRSH | July 15, 2008
Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t just up and call you a communist right here and now.
You shouldn’t because my parents are, and they’re already on a list, and that might draw more attention to us from the . . . oops, I’ve already said too much.
Which would you rather eat: a cup of salt or four sticks of butter? Please make sure that your answer involves an animal somehow.
I’d eat a cup of salt so that I might come close to experiencing what a dolphin frolicking in the ocean might experience.
Do you ever look at your last name and think, “Van Delft is a pretty good name, but i really wish it were more Dutch”?
I do, actually. I do sometimes wish that there were a lot more consonants in a row with no vowels.
Are you more or less likely to join a polygamous cult now than you were six months ago?
I’m more likely now because the HBO show Big Love makes it seem a lot more cool. A lot more friendly and community-oriented. So I’m more likely now, I suppose. But we should probably ask my husband what he thought of that.
BETHANY VAN DELFT | Middle East corner, Cambridge | July 22 | 617.864.EAST | Comedy Studio, Cambridge | July 23 | 617.661.6507 | “Colorstruck: Women of Color in Comedy” at Midway Café, Jamaica Plain | August 2 | 617.524.9038
On the Web
Middle East: www.mideastclub.com
Comedy Studio: www.thecomedystudio.com
Midway Café: www.midwaycafe.com
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