Gutgsell patrols the edge of their space, looking mystified and twiddling his fingers as if searching for some occult communiqué. Then he steps out of his coverall and emerges costumed like the other two, in a peculiar body suit trimmed with crinkles. He and Karol dance together, and the three of them recombine in new extremes of dissonance. At one point, Elam picks up the other two — I think they’re stretched in arabesque at the time. They slink around one another’s bodies, get dropped on the floor. Elam hangs upside down by the knees from Gutgsell’s shoulders, making monster growls and futile scrabbling gestures.
Karol pulls Elam from one of these tangles and starts to lead him away in a sketchy foxtrot. Like everything else they did at Concord, this overture was left unresolved. The dance ended, but they could have kept on for hours without running out of moves.
Stuck-togetherness, Master movers, Ebb and flow, More
- Stuck-togetherness
Chris Elam's Misnomer Dance Theater performed three seriously zany works Thursday night under the title "Being Together," in their third appearance for Concord Academy Summer Stages Dance.
- Master movers
Rhode Island audiences have long been treated to national caliber dance troupes in Rhode Island College’s Performing Arts Series.
- Ebb and flow
The good news is that we still have our own major company, Boston Ballet, and it made its first international tour — to Spain — in more than a decade.
- Urban cheek
There are several meanings to the word popular, and BalletRox’s The Urban Nutcracker satisfies the truest of them.
- Colorful sounds
Twice this weekend pianist Laura Kargul will attempt to climb a pianist’s version of Mount Everest: Maurice Ravel’s La Valse.
- Charming
Trust Festival Ballet Providence to put a new spin on Cinderella, Sergei Prokofiev’s classic ballet.
- Water music
Swan Lake is ballet’s ultimate act of yearning.
- Sleeper
The Sleeping Beauty that I saw Sunday afternoon was better than that Swan Lake , but at a top price of $85 in a town with one of America’s best ballet companies, these visits remain a dodgy proposition.
- Second thoughts
When Yeats wrote, “How can we know the dancer from the dance?”, he probably wasn’t thinking of the effect different casts can have on the performance of a ballet.
- Farm frolic
The La Fille Mal Gardée we recognize now as the real thing is quite modern.
- Thinking inside the box
Joseph Cornell was the quintessential odd duck.
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, Entertainment, Dance, Performing Arts, More
, Entertainment, Dance, Performing Arts, Ballet, Chris Elam, Concord Academy, Less